AFLYST: We Love Graphic Design 2020
Vi har desværre måttet beslutte at aflyse årets udgave af WE LOVE GRAPHIC DESIGN, som efter planen skulle have været afviklet 3. oktober 2020. Vi gennemfører i stedet arrangementet lørdag den 2. oktober 2021.
Morag Myerscough Eksempel på Morag Myerscough's arbejde. Mød hende - og mange andre spændende internationale designere - ved den 10. udgave af We Love Graphic Design den 3. oktober 2020.
Efter mange overvejelser og i lyset af den seneste tids Covid-19 udvikling, har vi besluttet at aflyse dette års udgave af WLGD og udskyde det til lørdag den 2. oktober 2021.
Vi havde til det sidste håbet, at situationen ville stabilisere sig så meget, at det endelig atter ville lykkedes at møde venner og kollegaer til en inspirerende lørdag i de vante omgivelser i Den Sorte Diamant, sådan er det desværre ikke.
Fremfor en tam og amputeret fejring af den 10. udgave af WE LOVE GRAPHIC DESIGN i år, vil vi glæde os til at give den hele armen lørdag den 2. oktober 2021!
Hvis du allerede har købt billet, kan du vælge at beholde din billet til næste år eller få refunderet billetkøbet (minus gebyr til Ticketmaster på 20 kr.). Du vil blive kontaktet direkte af Ticketmaster.
Lørdag den 3. oktober 2020 kl. 10.00 åbner vi for 10. gang dørene til We Love Graphic Design - et-dags seminar om nutidig grafisk design.
Som medlem af Visuelt Forum deltager du til rabatpris kr. 520,- (normalpris 1.520 kr.)
Find link til tilmelding i Visuelt Forums nyhedsbrev.
Arrangementet foregår på Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, København K og afvikles på engelsk. Der er forplejning i løbet af dagen.
I år kan du møde:
Anthony Burrill, Graphic artist, printmaker and designer (GB). Anthony Burrill combines a knack for simplicity that packs a punch with analogue craft skills and powerful, positive messages. Burrill frequently collaborates with other forward-thinking creatives across disciplines spanning music, architecture, curation, education and more; pushing his traditional discipline of choice, letterpress printing, into bold new territories.
Muggie Ramidani, Creative Director, partner at Bold Scandinavia and The North Alliance (DK), which is an interdisciplinary design studio, specialised in creating intelligent solutions for analogue and digital media. Experienced in developing effective visual concepts and information hierarchies to ensure clear communication of content, style and aesthetics.
Morag Myerscough, London based artist (GB). Morag Myerscough's work is characterized by an engaging boldness, creating specific, local responses to each distinct audience that will see and experience the work, using it to create community and build identity. Morag makes places from spaces that people like to be in, that stimulate and often make you smile. The eclectic breadth of work covers the conversion of a train to a café, a tweet building, a hospital ward and interpreting lots of types of buildings.
Aaron Draplin, Draplin Design Co. (USA). Aaron Draplin started his career with a snowboard graphic for Solid Snowboards. In April 2000, he accepted an art director position at SNOWBOARDER magazine. He won Art Director of the Year for Primedia 2000. In 2002, he became a senior designer at Cinco Design Office of Portland. His clients have included Nike, Burton Snowboards, Esquire, Red Wing, Ford Motor Company and the Obama Administration.
Victo Ngai, Los Angeles based illustrator from Hong Kong (USA). Victo provides illustrations for newspaper and magazines such as the New York Times and the New Yorker; creates storyboards and art for animations with studios like NBC and Dreamworks; makes books for publishers such as Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Folio Society and Macmillan; and works on packaging and advertisement campaigns for Apple, Johnnie Walker, American Express, Lufthansa Airline and General Electric.
Wilfrid Wood, Freelance sculptor etc. (GB). After dumping a career in graphics, Wilfrid Wood plunged into model making and sculpture at cult classic British television show, Spitting Image. Here he learned his trade as an 'apprentice head builder'. Now he makes heads and figures entirely by hand. They are of famous people, invented characters, and friends.
Følg arrangementet på Facebook.
Ikke medlemmer af Visuelt Forum kan købe billetter til 1.520 kr. her.