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Pris for medlemmer af Visuelt Forum: 620 kr. Fuld pris for ikke medlemmer er 1.620 kr.

Celeste Mountjoy


01. oktober 2022 10:00-18:00


Den Sorte Diamant, Dronningesalen, Søren Kierkegaards Pl. 1, 1221 København K



Brug en lørdag sammen med 500 andre, der arbejder med visuel grafisk kommunikation. Herunder kan du læse om nogle af de spændende talere.

Visuelt Forum giver rejserefusion efter gældende regler - læs mere HER.

10:00 Kaffe, te og blød landing
11:00 Velkommen til WE LOVE GRAPHIC DESIGN 2022
12:30 Frokost
15:00 Kaffe, te, kage, frugt
18:00 Tak for i år og på gensyn i 2023

Victo Ngai
Victo Ngai is a Los Angeles based illustrator from Hong Kong, graduated from Rhode Island School of Design. “Victo” is not a boy nor a typo, but a nickname derived from Victoria – a leftover from the British colonization. Ngai’s work appear in advertising, packaging, magazines, books, newspapers and animation, her clients include The New York Times, The New Yorker, Apple, Prophecy Wines, Johnnie Walker, American Express, Lufthansa Airline, General Electric, Tor, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, NBC and Dreamwork. Ngai’s work has received many honors including Forbes 30 Under 30 (Art & Style), The One Club Young Guns 16, Society of Illustrators NY Gold and Silver medals, SPECTRUM Gold and Silver Medals, ADC and SPD Silver Awards, Hugo Award and World Fantasy Award finalist and many more.
Victo Ngai

Henrik Kubel
Dansk skriftdesigner, som sammen med Scott Williams siden 2000 har haft studio A2-type i det centrale London. Du kender bl.a. hans arbejde fra fontene i Weekendavisen, som i 2021 blev premieret med den prestigefyldte TOKYO TDC AWARD
Henrik Kubel

Giorgia Lupi
An Italian information designer, a partner at design firm Pentagram, and former co-founder of research and design firm Accurat. She is a co-author of Dear Data, a collection of hand drawn data visualizations, along with information designer Stefanie Posavec. Her work is also part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art.
Giorgia Lupi

Katinka Bukh
Designchef på Weekendavisen siden 2018. Er uddannet som grafisk designer og har blandt andet været ansat som layoutchef på Politiken og som art director for DSBs passagermagasin Ud og Se. Katinka har arbejdet i New York i tre år for bl.a. Time Magazine og var sidst ansat som designchef på netmediet Zetland. Hun har modtaget en række danske og internationale designpriser og hæder for både print og digitalt design.
Katinka Bukh

Celeste Mountjoy
Celeste Mountjoy aka "Filthyratbag" is a contemporary Australian artist and illustrator whose art tackles feminism, mental health and the realities of womanhood. Her art often takes a satirical approach, commenting on the behavior of modern society.

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