Langsomt fotografi til OL
Den kendte fotograf David Burnett dukkede flere gange op på tv-skærmen under dette års OL med et kamera der står i kontrast til hans kollegaers: Det er stort, tungt, langsomt, gammelt - og analogt.
Med sit Speed Graphic kamera fra 1940'erne og en Aerial reconnaissance linse fra 1943 er David Burnett et stjældent syn blandt fotograferne til OL.
I et interview til Times udtalte Burnett om sit valg af kamera: "One of the difficulties of a 4×5 is always remembering to do everything in the right order. You’ve got to focus, close the shutter, cock the shutter, put the film in, pull the dark slide and hope that you haven’t actually shot that film before. Then put the dark slide back in, you flip it so the black edge is out that says, “I’ve been shot, don’t shoot me again.
I have included the 4×5 work in my repertoire since 2004, when I started shooting on the political campaigns for President. After 35 years of following politics, the “look” which I was getting with the big camera was what appealed to me. In the early digital days, we were all shooting with more or less the same camera body, the same couple of zoom lenses, and the chance to come up with a different “look” was something I found worth the extra work."
At fotografere på film efterlader et kæmpe scanningsarbejde, så billederne fra OL 201 er nok ikke klar endnu. Men du kan se Burnetts billeder fra det forrige OL i London 2012 her.