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Debatmøde: Fake news kontra god journalistik

Hvordan sikrer vi, at god journalistik vinder over falske nyheder?
International Media Support inviterer til debatmøde i København onsdag den 5. april 2017, og der er enkelte ledige pladser tilbage.



Fake news vs. good journalism

 In the current battle between Fake News and good, accurate journalism, how can we ensure that good journalism wins?

Join International Media Support and our Danish and international panel of experts on Wednesday, 5 April to discuss the proliferation of Fake News, and what it means for the erosion of public trust in mainstream media and democratic institutions. What are the tools available to counter this trend, and do they work? What can the world of professional journalists learn from the media situation in Russia, where journalists maneuver in an environment where fake news and kompromat is rife?


  • Roman Dobrokhotov -  Russian journalist and editor-in-chief of the Russian language Moscow-based online media The Insider. Twitter: @Dobrokhotov 
  • Alistair Shawcross - Researcher affiliated with the Arena venture, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), dedicated solely to the issue of disinformation and 21st century propaganda. Alistair is also the author of the report Facts We Can Believe In: How to Make Fact-Checking Better. Twitter: @ali_shawx.
  • Lisbeth Knudsen - Senior journalist and editor of the respected analytical online Danish media Mandag Morgen which has established TjekDet, a fact-checking unit Twitter: @KnudsenLisbeth
  • Mark Lee Hunter - Award-winning Paris-based investigative journalist and Adjunct Professor and Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD Business School Social Innovation Centre. Author of “The Power is Everywhere” about stakeholder-driven media. Twitter: @MarkLeeHunter
  • Henrik Grunnet – Moderator and IMS Programme Manager covering Syrian media and investigative journalism. Twitter: @forfreemedia

Venue: Kosmopol, Fiolstræde 44, 1171 København K (by Nørreport Station)
Date: Wednesday 5 April 2017
Time: 9:30 - 12:00

To participate, you need to register with Gerd Kieffer (gki@mediasupport.org) by 3 April.

Find the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/422934521372379/ or on our webpage: https://www.mediasupport.org/fake-news-versus-good-journalism/

The debate takes place in English.

International Media Support (IMS) is a non-profit organisation working to support media in countries affected by armed conflict, human insecurity and political transition. IMS works with media to improve the safety of journalists and promote access to accurate, ethical and diverse media content.


